We are here for ONE thing.
The feeling of LOVE.
It's inside all of us.
We came from it.
God is love. We are a slice of God.
We are all connected to this unconditional love, and our life is constant striving to get back to who we have been all along.
Think about this.
Everything we do in life is to create a good feeling, to get back to that feeling of yummy goodness.
We work at jobs, that we love or hate, or neither, to create money.
But we don't want money just to have money. We want money to create the experiences that create the feeling.
We desire to make more money, So we can buy things that we think make us happy, or take vacations that make us happy.
What does the bigger house, Or the BMW or home on the Ocean provide?
It's provides a FEELING.
A feeling of what?
What is that happiness feeling deep down? Love.
So, here we are, stressing, hustling, chasing, grinding, competing, chasing goals, working 60 hours a week, getting sick because our bodies are so stressed out, drinking & doing drugs to drown out our suffering or get a temporary moment of that feeling.
Instead of just BEING LOVE in the first place.
Every single thing we do in life ultimately is for a feeling.
But the feeling can be generated INSIDE of us, not from all the external things.
Do we do things just because it gives us that feeling of love, or do we do things to get the external things that bring us that feeling?
Being love can bring you the feeling, but we are so wrapped up in all the things of how to have the material things that we think will bring us the feeling, we don't have time to actually BE what we are seeking.
I love being by the Ocean. I have thoughts of living near it so I can stand in front of it, stand IN it, enjoy it's expansiveness, take in the energy of it on a daily basis.
Feel the water on my feet and the sunshine beating on my face. That is the best feeling in the world to me.
I can pretend I'm at the Ocean in my backyard and lay with the sun beating on me, and listen to Ocean waves, and think what is this feeling that I'm loving and desiring?
It's the feeling of being expansive, of being one with the universe, Of feeling like the sun is drowning me in love. It feels SO good. It's a feeling of freedom and comfort. Hard to explain, but you know what I mean right?
But I've thought about this before.
How long can I lay there, soaking up that Sunshine, and feeling that feeling before I've had enough, before I get too hot, sunburned, water logged, dehydrated, whatever.
Then I will need to do something else.
What else will fill my cup and give me that FEELING again?
It's on to the next thing yes?
Searching for the FEELING.
So we all get that feeling in different ways, but when it comes down it, it's not usually from the material world, but from being with people, giving love, and receiving it back.
My business is a creation of that.
I offer myself, my heart, my soul, my time, my listening ears, my empathy, my life experiences, and my coaching background to hold space for others.
I do that over coffee, in person or over zoom.
We all need eachother. We need love and to have that space held for us.
If my services are too costly for you and you need time with someone, we will work something out.
You can text me at 414-510-9000
Much love.