Do you know that you are good?
That you are worthy of everything?
That you are loved and you are love?
We’re you taught from the time you were born that you are good and worthy no matter what?
No matter what you do?
I wasn’t.
Most of us were not.
It’s not our parents fault.
They were not taught that either.
I didn’t teach my children this when they were young because I didn’t know.
I will make sure they know now, and the generations after me will live a different kind of life.
I wish I had known what I know now when my babies were small.
I wish I knew when I was growing up.
What I can do now, is live like I know this information and share it with you.
You are free to take the information and accept it, or not.
It’s totally up to you.
You can choose to throw out what you believed before, and take on this belief and live it, or you can throw it out.
Most of us were taught that we were “good” when we cleaned our rooms, when we listened or got good grades or did our chores. When we did what made other people happy.
If not, we weren't good enough.
Then we “deserved” to be given love or things.
Then we were praised and given a “reward” for doing.
We weren’t actually taught that we are essentially good no matter If we made our bed or not.
We were raised by people who were raised the same way.
The essence of our goodness was lost somewhere and love was no longer unconditional.
Everything is conditioned on what we do.
So of course that’s how we have learned to teach and treat our children and our partners in life, friends, siblings etc.
If you do this for me, I’ll love you.
If you make me feel good, I’ll love you.
If not, I’ll take my love, friendship etc away.
We were taught wrong.
We have no idea what unconditional love really is.
It’s all conditional.
Do for me or I won’t do for you.
What this does for us, is makes us feel not good enough, not worthy, invalidated, especially by people who said they love us.
This creates fear in us. It creates competition and fighting and walls and wars.
It brings out our ego that says we are worse or better than another human being.
But the truth is that you (we) are good. You are love and loved. You are worthy of good things just because you exist.
So is your partner. Friend. Neighbor. Co worker. Sister. Brother.
Worthy of love all the time, no matter what.
You, are worthy no matter what.
You belong. No matter what.
God wants good for you. No matter what.
Knowing this is the beginning of allowing love in your life and loosening the grips of fear.
You don’t have to cling to the old beliefs anymore.
When you accept this for yourself, you will be able to extend this love to others.
Your ego will lessen, you will stop looking out for yourself at the expense of others.
Selfishness, greed, small mindedness starts to fade.
What you give to others, you give to yourself.
What you withhold from others you withhold from yourself.
First step, knowing you are - Good. Worthy. Love.